Building safe, clean Molten Salt Reactors into reality for endless future energy
Affirms President Eisenhower’s haunting caution (17 Jan 1961) regarding the “military industrial complex”.
Rare Earth (chemical elements) mining in the USA has been reopened according to Peter Navarro (Trump econ advisor) on Lou Dobbs / Fox TV, Fri 22 May 2020. This is monumental news in our continuing WAR (me 1968) with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Navarro mentioned the reopening was accomplished through the DoD, which I have suspected was happening for two years, emanating from clues on the web. [this article composed 23 May]
The market for Rare Earths has been, as an example, monopolized by the CCP as their “One Belt One Road” (1999) public policy to strip the US of manufacturing, stagnating the US economy and accomplishing their hegemonic ambitions. US big business has participated with Wall Street, as secretly as possibly, to undermine the US economy for their profits. That CCP plan has reduced wage incomes for a third of US workers.
Anti-Patriot / globalists Plutocrat (purchase politicians) activity has been overturned by Trump, bypassing agency regulations, using “national security” through the DoD to reopen rare earth mining. Hitech military electronics are manufactured using rare earth elements. Trump has self-restrained his remarks (hard to imagine), in spite of media baiting he says, we must continue the virus investigation. Trump has used the word “war” to describe the pandemic.
[next five paragraphs July update] Reports (Undecided with Matt Ferrell) claim Trump has interrupted Bill Gates cooperation with China in their development of nuclear reactor electrical power generation. Amazon / Bezos, making billions selling China’s slave labor produced products, some of his US workers are on food stamps at taxpayer expense.
As Soros and other sinister globalists are exposed they now have bigger fish to fry, after blocking me on the internet 2013. The risk for criticizing, ask Sharyl Attkisson, has been accelerated by the BLM (Marxist founder Patrisse Collors) which expanded by rioters, funded (Judicial Watch) by Soros and others, into the “cancel culture” to advance their exploits. Western Civilization (EU ?), led by the United States of America, enemies have consolidated in a futile attempt to “transform” the Constitutional USA.
The primary rationale for the existence of a legitimate government is to physically protect the citizens, and their property interests. Reference: “National Security and Double Government” author, Michael Glenton. Denigrating the “rule of law”; releasing rioters, with criminal evidence and witnesses without consequences is sedition. Likewise, blocking development of LFTR, energy production phenomenon, for twenty years was sedition. Finally, after decades the DoJ is investigating CCP violations of numerous USA laws which supposedly protect the Citizens.
Corruption only works for thugs, on a global or small city scale, as they impose a double standard. The threat of physical violence is understood by all, emphasis to those not included within the PC (propaganda) group. Good example is the Clintons’ history, Bill taking campaign contributions from a Chinese stooge, Hilliary facilitating the sale of US uranium to Putin and numerous acquaintances mysteriously perished. An NRC permit, required for reactor building, has been blocked by the unspoken dangers of non-compliance.
Not a PC member of the totalitarian club, Michael Thomas Flynn is a retired United States Army Lieutenant General who was the 24th National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration until his forced resignation because he was FRAMED by the Obama administration. He had threatened to overhaul the US intelligence apparatus, which at the time was spying on President elect Trump’s team. Flynn’s fraudulent charges were identified and withdrawn by the DoJ, exonerating him completely.
My Nephew, William, found a terrific one hour 40 minute free video “Planet of the humans (dot) com”, a must see that overturned the green “renewable energy” movement. Jeremy Grantham, during the movie, confirms plutocrats’ power. Reviving rare earth mining, and simultaneously updating DoE regulations, in the US will open the door for “Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor” (LFTR thermal spectrum breeder not fast) building.
“Energy independence” and “renewable energy” are both a ruse, perpetrated by the plutocrats, to protect their investment and profits from the current gas, oil and coal burning power generator industry. Think about it, who profits from (supposedly) green, solar, wind and biomass, you? LFTR releases no CO2 to the environment. Mass battery cost, production, and disposal are an environmental disaster; however, necessary for “green” power.
Fusion (contrary to LFTR fission) experiment, ITER Tokamak, cost estimate is $14B and counting. That extraordinary test will require more electric power input than it will produce. Physicist Ian Chapman, in his lecture at The Royal Institute, admits actual commercial electrical power production may be 30 years in the future for fusion. Plutocrats are funding fusion to expand their LFTR stalling tactics.
Admittedly, fusion promoters claim 4 times as much energy; however, LFTR has already proven 1,000,000 times more energy than coal, at equal mass. Both fusion and LFTR fuel will out-last the life of planet earth and fuel for both is not expensive. Both LFTR and fusion will produce less hazardous waste than current “light-water” reactors and LFTR will conveniently burn the existing waste accumulated at traditional nuclear facilities.
A new natural gas power plant, which expels a huge amount of CO2, will cost $750mil to construct. A new LFTR power plant, no CO2 release, will cost approximately $2B. Over a short period of time, the LFTR construction cost will be reduced as LFTR building becomes repetitive and (with Trump) DoE becomes a partner, as opposed to an obstacle, as in the past. Also, Thorium fuel is inexpensive and already stockpiled.
LFTR technology, transferred to the CCP through US citizen complicit espionage, is not merely an enhancement to traditional “light water” nuclear reactors. [“Riding the Dragon” (Blaze TV documentary Sept 2020) details Biden’s tratorist rare earth subversion with China.] LFTR is an entirely NEW design. For 20 years plutocrats blocked LFTR, not improvement totally new, electric power generating technology, advantages are as follows:
#1 “Walk away safe” meaning: action is not necessary to turn-off the reactor.
#2 Molten Salt Reactor (MSRE) operated 5 years at Oak Ridge Laboratory.
#3 LFTR does not release CO2 which STOPS gas and coal global warming.
#4 Proliferation using LFTR exceeding more difficult than use natural uranium.
#5 LFTR burn “waste products” from traditional nuclear problematic stock-piles.
#6 LFTR waste 2% the amount and has shorter hazard life than current reactors.
#7 LFTR will be refueled without reactor shut-down, unlike current reactors.
#8 Low pressure / high temp. LFTR 50% more efficient than traditional reactors.
#9 Regardless of any potential accident LFTR melt-down is literally impossible.
#10 Rare earth (above) mining has stock-piled 100 years of Thorium inventory.
#11 Uniform assembly-line fabricated modules delivered by truck to project site.
#12 Desalination of ocean water building LFTR at (not necessary) sea coast.
#13 Uniquely harvested LFTR created isotopes will be used in medical treatments.
#14 Cheap Thorium fuel makes LFTR economics superior over 40+ year facility life.
#15 Do not allow ignorant zealots trigger you with word radioactive, ubiquitous.
#16 According to “global warming” doctrine, no price is too high to reduce CO2.
#17 LFTRs’ heat-up and cool-down inherently stable, human action unnecessary.
#18 Redirect US gas & oil production to international export sales for profit.
#19 Golf ball size quantity Thorium will produce your entire life-time energy use.
#20 Golf ball size quantity of Thorium costs $100, including refining.
Any disagreement, comment below.
The Epoch Times (newspaper July 2019) first exposed CalPERS (public employee retirement fund) investment officer Ben Meng’s ties with China. My contention (no proof) is Roger Robinson’s talk, on YouTube video, at Hillsdale College on 26 September 2019 caused the CCP to proceed with their biological (inevitable) attack on the US and the World. Robinson exposed the $480 Million CalPERS investment in the CCP economy. RWR Corporation Principal Mr. Robinson explained that the CCP in the future will “checkmate” the collective US Stock Exchange investor. I add, placing that US citizen under extortion.
Progressives (not liberal) in Orwellian fashion falsely named, and cowardly Republicans acquiesced, WWIII (3) the “Cold War”, Cold meaning no active military engagement; for PC propaganda reasons, ignoring both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. President Ronald Reagan established the FACTS and momentum for the US, Thatcher, Pope John and Lech Walesa in 1991 to prevail over the USSR in that conflict. Shortly, brutal musical chairs in the Kremlin continued Russia’s totalitarian corruption.
WWIV (4) morphed, due to active participation by progressives in the US and Europe, from remnants of previous conflicts. Plutocrats allied with progressives have surreptitiously targeted their traitorous activity to dramatically expand their business profits with the CCP.
Globalists' subterfuge, instigated by US President Nixon as he withdrew from the Vietnam (US won China supported) War, claimed opening relations with China would evolve them to resemble the US. As the Plutocrats must have known, to expand their business interests, the US has become more like the totalitarian Communist Chinese. The lame-stream-media, controlled by a few Plutocrats, have provided fake-news promoting China’s propaganda of lavish expansion.
God bless the victims of the CCP virus, they are casualties of World War IV (4).
In spite of globalist appeasers, reminiscent of Hitler’s totalitarian exploits, history will record these events as positive because the CCP, intentionally or not, has activated the US response. Over time, the CCP military could have increased their capability; therefore, starting now is better for the US military, rather than postponing any longer.
The CCP has stumbled into one of the greatest military blunders in 5 thousand years of recorded history. Prematurely instigating violence violates “The Art of War”, ironic Chinese author Sun Tzu’s instructions. With US pacifists assistance, the CCP could have, to their advantage, been transparent, cooperative and apologetic about their virus; thereby, diplomatically buying time to continue their war preparation.
I predict Trump will officially recognize Taiwan, in defiance of current official standing, as the response to the CCP brutal take-over of Hong Kong (I was there 1969). Taiwan’s official recognition as an ally will increase US capability in that geographic area, (intentionally not typing south china sea) Indo Pacific.
Continuing my theory, China did not accidentally cause the CCP virus pandemic (see note below). In addition to Mr. Robinson's contribution (noted above) there is evidence reported in the legitimate media that China's economy has stalled, forcing the CCP to gamble and pull the trigger prematurely. Extensive video on YouTube of China’s “ghost cities” documents the corruption implicit in millions of empty residences, within new highrise buildings, collapsing structurally and financially.
Richard Lingensjo / builder video
[Amazon’s criminal (beyond civil suite) copyright sales of my book are not investigated by the intersectionality (Christopher Rufo cancel culture) compromised FBI; agency designated with that responsibility]
Various Updates
[substantiates #1 and #17 above]
“While these models are limited in their scope, the presented results point to an emergent behavior of the system dynamics that can be gainfully employed to design a truly “walkaway” safe next-generation reactor system. Negative feedbacks and load-following may not be a unique feature, but given the radiation damage-resistant liquid fuel, the low pressures in the salt loops, and the high heat capacity of the salts, MSRs hold unparalleled potential to operate autonomously in load-following mode.” University of Tennessee, Knoxville: “Study of the DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR of the MOLTEN-SALT REACTORS” Vikram Singh, May 2019 (page 164).
Singh’s analysis confirms that, unlike current light water reactors, molten salt reactors (LFTR) will automatically allow extracted power to fluctuate. Therefore, as the grid electrical load varies the LFTR adds or reduces output to accommodate the other power generating plants attached to the grid.
“No more are the days of politicians assuring Americans our economy will "’bounce back"’ after COVID-19. Now, the language is all about an economic "’reset."’ Specifically, the World Economic Forum (globalist) released its plans for a global reset, which includes a change in capitalism with a ‘"focus to shift from short term and profit only to longer term, incorporating value creation for people and the planet”’, Blaze TV 29 July 2020.
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom said [on August 17] the state had to ‘sober up’ about the fact that renewable energy sources had failed to provide enough power for the state at peak demand, and needed ‘backup’ and ‘ insurance’ from other sources,” writes Breitbart News. Newsom went on to admit that the critical reason for the blackouts was California’s over-reliance on renewable power sources, The Epoch Times 9/2/2020, H. Sterling Burnett.
Dr. LI-Meng Yan, Chinese Virologist whistleblower, escaped from WHO facility Hong Kong to tell her story; the truth, CCP virus was man-made not natural. Dr. Yan did not pretend to know the “evil thinking’ of the CCP; whoever, she does believe the virus release was “intentional”. The original Chinese doctor (also female) whistleblower has disappeared. Tucker Carlson, FoxTV, Tue. 15 Sept. Dr. Yan “suspended” on Twitter Sept. 17th.
What Did She Not Reveal? Part 1 - China Angle - 14 Jul 2020
“Zooming in with Simone Gao”
Doctors uncover the lies of shut-down:
The CCP virus is WWIV attack on the Free World.
“The CCP’s New 5-Year Economic Plan is Destined to Fail”, The Epoch Times news paper 14-20 October 2020, Wang He was twice imprisoned in China.
President Trump (Thu 6 Aug 2020) warns, “last time you see me for awhile” during his presser at the Whirlpool factory in Ohio. Unknown, “vary vary rich” (globalist) “middle-men” are his “enemies”. Like JFK, Trump is a disrupter.